How to Integrate Classic with GCC High Environments 10 added support for GCC high. By default, connects using a multi-tenant application and automatically detects the government cloud.

If you wish to implement your own Azure app that interacts with, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create the Azure app:

  1. Open Home – Microsoft Azure Government and navigate to Azure Services > App registration.
  2. Create a new app:
    1. Click the + New registration tab.
    2. Name the app.
    3. Set the account type to single tenant.
    4. Click Register. The new app is created.
    5. Copy the Application (client) ID, you will use it later.
  3. Configure the app as follows:
    1. Click Authentication > Add platform.
    2. On the right, under Configure platforms, select Mobile and desktop applications.
    3. Set Redirect URI. You can create a public link for your app or use MS defaults.
    4. Click API permissions > Add a permission.
    5. On the right, click Microsoft Graph > Delegated Permission.
    6. Check the following delegated permissions:
      • User.Read
      • User.ReadBasic.All
      • People.Read
      • Files.ReadWrite.All
      • Mail.Read
      • MailboxSettings.Read
      • Sites.ReadWrite.All
      • Team.ReadBasic.All
      • Channel.ReadBasic.All
      • ChannelMessage.Send
      • Chat.Create
      • Chat.ReadWrite
      • offline_access
    7. Click Add permissions.
    8. Click API permissions > Add a permission.
    9. On the right, click Office 365 SharePoint Online > Delegated Permission.
    10. Check the following delegated permission:
      • AllSites.Manage
    11. Click Add permissions.

Step 2: Connect your new Azure app to

  1. Add the Office365GraphInfo registry key.
    • Add a String Value called ClientId and set its value to the Application (client) ID you created in the 1st step.
    • Add a String Value called RedirectUrl and set its value to the redirect URI you configured in the 1st step.
    • For single-tenant application, add a String Value called TenantId and set to the tenant Id.
  2. Add the MicrosoftCloudService registry key and set its default value to US Government.