Enabling harmon.ie Favorites in Office Open/Save As Dialogs

harmon.ie automatically surfaces your favorite locations to your Office Open / Save As dialogs.


In the following scenarios, harmon.ie favorites might not be available in Office applications:

  • harmon.ie was deployed using a deployment tool.
  • The user does not have permissions to access the registry.
  • One user installs harmon.ie and another user logs into the computer for the first time.


To allow users to view the harmon.ie favorite locations in Office Open / Save As dialogs, the harmon.ie installer adds the following registry key to all instances of Office applications, for all users that ever logged in to the computer:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Office\<office version>\common\open find\adminaddedplaces\place<index>

The registry key points to a per-user local folder – %appdata%\Mainsoft\Harmony\harmonie favorites – in which harmon.ie saves a .url file for each favorite location, pointing to this favorite’s SharePoint location.

In the scenarios described above, the registry key is not created for the user, and as a result the harmon.ie favorites folder cannot be seen in Office applications.


To resolve the issues described above, administrators should download and deploy this PowerShell script through Group Policy. This script creates the registry keys for all users in the target computers.