Email Management with Microsoft 365 and SharePoint

Capturing business-critical emails from the high volume of information we deal with every day is a difficult task. Classifying them in a way that ensures they are stored correctly and can be found when needed, is almost impossible, if you don't have Microsoft 365 and SharePoint email management to help out.

  • Save on Email Storage

    Reduce expensive storage space by keeping a single copy of each email and its attachments with SharePoint email management.

  • Eliminate Document Chaos

    Eliminate 'email chaos' by maintaining only one copy of each email. Preserve a version history of emails for future reference.

  • Manage Client Emails

    Use Accord to transform client requests from ‘shared emails’ in Outlook to tasks in Teams, preventing important client requests from falling between the cracks.

  • Fulfill Compliance Requirements

    Discover emails quickly for discovery, audit, governance, and compliance needs.

Bosch case study

The combined SharePoint/ solution helps Bosch manage its millions of daily emails, including those business records that need to be accessed by colleagues.

"We want everybody to use, because once you use it, you love it."

Daniel Stuch Bosch Senior Project Leader Application Development and Rollout

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