Viewing OneDrive information

OneDrive is your personal site on Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 or later. gives you easy access to documents on your OneDrive, on other users’ OneDrive, and to folders and documents that were shared with you.

To view OneDrive in the sidebar:

  1. Open the All Locations view.
  2. Expand OneDrive to view document libraries on your OneDrive.
  3. Double-click a location to view your OneDrive documents.

The sites in your OneDrive.

To View folders and documents shared with you:

This feature does not apply to SharePoint on-premises

  1. Browse to All Locations.
  2. Expand the OneDrive group.
  3. Double-click Shared With Me to view the items shared with you by other users. For each item you can see who shared it with you and when.

Items shared with me

To add OneDrive to the list of sites:

If OneDrive wasn’t automatically added to, manually Add a site to If OneDrive is defined for your user, it is automatically added to the list of SharePoint sites.

You can hide OneDrive from the sites list.