Privacy by Design

At, we are committed to protecting your users’ fundamental right to privacy through transparent technology, processes, and procedures related to your data and how it is used. has no backend; this means that we do not process, store, or handle any of your documents or files. Although helps your users organize their information on M365 and Outlook, we never have access to the information and never handle it on our servers. This is important to us: all of your data remains on your tenant!

How we protect your privacy uses a three-pronged approach to protecting your privacy that incorporates design, certifications, and credentials held by that demonstrate adherence to data privacy principles and rules, and best practices for data protection.

  • Design

    The plugin resides exclusively within your Microsoft tenant or on-premises servers. There’s no risk of data leakage because your data never leaves your premises or cloud tenant.

  • Certifications is proud to hold the following privacy-relevant certifications:

    ✔ Microsoft Trusted Gold Partner

    ✔ Microsoft AI Content Partner

    ✔ Microsoft 365 App Compliance program for the new

  • Best Practices

    Leveraging best practices for the design and development of private applications. Maintaining privacy and cookie policies. No access for us to your code.

Privacy begins with the design of

The plugin resides exclusively within your Microsoft tenant or on-premises servers, so your emails, files, and data share the same privacy protections as your current Microsoft environment. That means there’s no risk of data leakage because your data never leaves your premises or cloud tenant. Even better, leverages your existing Microsoft environment permissions, for more seamless integration without additional steps to protect your privacy.

Certifications of commitment to the highest industry standards is proud to hold the following certifications:

✔ Microsoft AI Content Partner

✔ Microsoft 365 App Compliance program for new

✔ Microsoft Trusted Gold Partner

  • Microsoft Trusted Gold Partner is proud to be a trusted Microsoft Gold Partner. This designation means that Microsoft has determined that is committed to excellence in evolving Microsoft technologies, and focuses on delivering benefits to clients via Microsoft solutions.

    Microsoft Gold partners:

    • Participate in Microsoft’s Customer Satisfaction Index
    • Have a record of positive customer experiences from a specified number of customers
    • Employ a specific number of workers with the relevant Microsoft exam-based certifications
    • Stay up-to-date on the latest Microsoft and industry developments
    • Perform well on regular reviews of customer service and competence service ratings
  • Microsoft 365 App Compliance program for new

    Our focus on privacy continues in the next generation of our product offering and the new add-in meets the rigorous standards of the Microsoft 365 App Compliance program. Before making this certification award, Microsoft vetted the new against controls from leading industry frameworks. Microsoft found the new demonstrated the technology and compliance practices needed to protect customer data.

    With this certification, users can be assured the new is GDPR-compliant and does not require the collection of sensitive nonpublic personal information, such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinion, religious beliefs, or personal health information. Microsoft found that does not perform any automated decision-making that could result in legal liability, does not collect data from minors, and maintains regularly updated policies and procedures.

Best Practices

In addition to designing for privacy, certifications, and standards, we also protect your information by leveraging best practices for the design and development of private applications. These include:

  • Privacy policy. maintains a detailed privacy policy and updates it regularly.
  • Cookie policy. also has a policy that details how the website handles cookies.
  • No access for us. Because your data stays in your environment, no employees have direct access to your data and have no way to download private information under any circumstances.
  • Keeping up with policy regulations and developments globally. has users around the world. We routinely examine how requirements and regulations may change and evolve to ensure is always ahead of the game instead of reacting after the fact.

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