✅ Poor email management is costly. 47% of knowledge workers struggle to find critical information. A structured email policy is key.
✅ What did attendees say? In our first poll, 61% of participants said they worry about losing important emails or lack a clear email policy.
✅ New harmon.ie works seamlessly in all versions of Outlook (Windows, Mac, Web) and makes saving, searching, and sharing emails effortless.
✅ Upcoming New harmon.ie updates include improved metadata tagging, Save on Send, and expanded drag-and-drop functionality.
✅ IT admins can now centrally deploy New harmon.ie and manage compliance settings for the whole organization.
Maya: Hi, thank you for joining us today for our webinar: Never Lose a critical email or file Again. We'll be talking today about email management and we're very excited to show you a demo of our newest product, New harmon.ie. Before we get started, I have some messages At the end of the webinar, we'll have a Q&A session, So, if you have questions, please send them via the chat window on your screen. We will try to answer all the questions. If we didn't have time to answer live, we'll get back to you with an answer in the email. As always, we are recording the webinar and we'll email it to you within a couple of days. Now let's get started. I would like to introduce today's speaker, Ron Johnson. Ron is Harmon's VP of Customer Success and he's been working with our clients and partners around the world for the last 20 years. Ron has helped build our world-class customer services organization and is going to share with us some insights from working with our customers. Ron, please,
Ron: Thank you, Maya, and thanks everyone for attending today. It's good to see some familiar names and customers in attendance today. And as Maya mentioned, my name is Ron Johnson. I've had the opportunity to meet many of you and I've also had the opportunity to work and the privilege to work with you on many different and interesting initiatives. So, hopefully we can share some of those insights today. And before we get going, I know we're all excited to see New harmon.ie, but before we get going, I always think it's good to step back and take a look at what are some of the trends we're seeing from some of our customers and what has gotten us to this point.
So, obviously the first one is Microsoft introduced a new email client, new Outlook, or as it's recently been rebranded Outlook for Windows. As many of us, including myself, live and breathe in Outlook, this is a significant disruption to how we do our day-to-day work.
And it also from a software vendor standpoint, like harmon.ie changes how we have to build add-ins and deliver solutions to you. So, in addition to new Outlook or Outlook for Windows as it's called now, we're also seeing organizations invest more money and more time and resources into managing, or I should say better managing emails. So, let's take a look at some of that and some of the risk involved and how that impacts our users. Let's see. We'll switch slides there and this just summarizes a little bit or gives you a little bit of some of the risk and what organizations are trying to do with better organizing emails. So, organizations, the email retention disposition policies being implemented are to better meet compliance requirements, reduce risk of compliance issues, security breaches, productivity loss, and without a structured approach to email retention, critical information can be misplaced, it can be permanent lost, it can be difficult to retrieve or retrieve essential data as needed.
And also if you're not managing or you're poorly managing email, it can expose sensitive information to unauthorized access, lead to data leaks, cyber threats and all. And lastly from, and this is more from a business or knowledge worker standpoint. Lastly, an overflowing or disorganized inbox as we won't share mine today, can lead to inefficiencies wasted time in searching for files, poor collaboration across teams in getting ready for this webinar, read through a number of recent studies and one that stood out was a recent Gardner study that showed that 47% of knowledge workers reported struggling to find information needed to perform their job. And of that 32% made wrong decisions based off lack of awareness. So, this really gets into the importance of being able to turn emails, important emails and documents from our inboxes, from individual information to institutional knowledge. And while all these are critical, these organization goals are critical for running efficient businesses. It's also important to look and see how this impacts knowledge workers. How do we get them to consume these new policies? How do we get them to engage in these? So, let's take, Maya's going to run a quick poll and we appreciate your feedback on this.
Maya: Thanks, Ron. So, please answer. How does your organization's email management policy affect you? Select one, it works well. Our emails are well organized. I will be about losing important emails. We have a policy but no one follows it or we don't have a policy at all. We'll wait a little bit. I see that you're still answering and then we'll share the results.
Okay, still voting. Okay, So, let's get a look.
Okay, So, I see that 39% think that the email management policy is working well. 29. They are saying that they're worried about losing important emails. 6%, only 6% that's good are saying that they have a policy but no one follows it and 25% say that they don't have a policy at all at their organization. Very interesting.
Ron: Yeah, So, thank you for contributing to and submitting your answers to that poll. It does follow along. I think the next slide, I'll jump to the next slide. I think it leads right into this, is we do see that as you confirm that organizations are rolling out email retention policies, disposition policies, people are worried about finding that important email. So, this is one of the things we're looking at. So, when we looked at some of the impact on employees, what we're seeing in all this is one is it kind of discourages hoarding. So, I don't email hoarding that is, I don't know about you, but I don't think anybody in this audience is guilty of this. Again, I could show you my inbox of that customer folder for the last 20 years with every email I've ever exchanged with folks. So, we do that in a tendency that we want to hoard those emails and keep them because just in case we need them.
The second part is, as was shown in the poll, we fear losing that important email not being able to find it. So, interesting. I was in a meeting, it's probably more than a couple years ago, it's a few years ago now with an organization that had just rolled out a two year retention policy. So, this just shows some of the challenges. This was a two year retention and disposition policy around all unstructured data. So, they weren't just looking at emails, but emails were part of that, but it was also one drive and things like that or my docs and how to do that. And the project manager joked in his meeting that he had a line, he saw the line of senior employees at the CIO's desk asking for exemptions and exceptions to the roles asking to be completely exempt from this policy. So, we do see that fear of losing important emails, losing important documents, not being able to find it when we need it is one of the big challenges on a positive side, when you start to look at some of what impact these policies have, it does encourage us to get information out of our inboxes to shared repositories like SharePoint and Teams, share that information with coworkers So, that the organization can make better decisions and also manage that content better.
So, now you can also and I don't know about you, but anytime somebody says they want to help me clean up, I'm all for it because there's nothing like a disorganized or overwhelming inbox. So, having this automation where you know that your inboxes are being cleaned up archived of on a regular basis gives us the best practices to go and make sure that we do save emails and documents and get them So, that they do become that institutional knowledge and build and help the organization make better decisions.
We're almost to that point. I know everybody came on board today or is attending to take a look at New harmon.ie, but let's take just a quick look at how these organization goals continue to impact and what we need to do to make sure that our clients engage our business users, our knowledge workers engage. And when you start to look at that, really it comes down to you need to reduce the friction of the business users to make it very easy for them to engage.
This has been a tagline, I think a customer told us this years ago that we were one of the first companies to actually help it by making the right thing to do the easy thing to do. And really what that gets down to is you have to be able to capture, tag and reuse content in a natural flow of day-to-day work. You can't ask people to go say, Hey, save this email, but you got to go through these 10 steps and jump through hoops to do it. And email save to Teams or SharePoint needs to be as easy as it is to share to an Outlook folder in this case a simple drag and drop the tagging of those emails, classification of those emails to improve search and findability needs to be part of the upload process. And part of that needs to be automated and we'll talk about how harmon.ie can auto tag emails and all.
And then you get into the finding and reuse side of that where search needs to be quick and easy and it needs to be efficient. We need to be able to find that information and then share it quickly. So, that's really what harmon.ie's been built about. This has been our core building blocks for years and what we've been focused on.
And let's just start diving in a little bit more to harmon.ie. I know we have a mix of clients and customers and folks new to harmon.ie. So, do a quick introduction to the products. We're here to talk about New harmon.ie today and focus on that. We'll do a deep dive in a second here. But as of today, harmon.ie has two apps in our suite of apps. One is called harmon.ie Classic and one is New harmon.ie, if that sounds familiar. Sometimes it's best just to follow along with Microsoft and not get too creative.
So, I know they changed their names. I don't think we're going to change our names anytime soon. Both apps are built to just that provide a better user experience for managing emails and documents. And how do you do that? You do it by providing a file manager like experience and Outlook. You use common Windows actions like drag and drop to save an email, and these are things that we don't have to be retrained, we don't have to do a lot of education around its natural ways to interact with the harmon.ie Sidebar. And just from that standpoint, I think one of the big architectural differences with or advantages harmon.ie has is that regardless of which app you're running are classic or New harmon.ie, they're both pure client base applications. They connect directly to your Microsoft environments, your emails, your content never leaves your tenant. So, in other words, we connect to your Microsoft environment, your emails stay with Inside your tenant, your Microsoft 365 policy access controls, define and control access to it and this client architecture is. And the simple efficient UX is why many people and a lot of organizations continue to choose harmon.ie. So, let's take a look and do a deep dive. Let me introduce New harmon.ie to the market. First, we're excited about this. We released the product back in December and this is kind of our launch party for it. So, New harmon.ie is a single page web app. It's available in the Microsoft app source. So, you can go to the app source right now if you want and do a search for harmon.ie. You'll find it there.
While New Outlook is the primary driver to investing the development resources and reinventing harmon.ie, there are a lot of additional benefits. One is it's easy to install, update a web-based client, a web-based app coming from Microsoft App Source, a cd, and you guys approve it. You've enabled it through the Microsoft 365 admin tools for all the group of users using it. The updates are automatic. There's no more pushing client software out to thousands of desktops and making sure that SECM ran or Intune ran properly or building packages or going to your build teams to get packages built. So, they should streamline that. You've got a refreshed new user experience and one of the main benefits is that the new Outlook, the new modern add-in New harmon.ie works in every Microsoft Outlook endpoint. So, whether you're running and moving to new Outlook, you're running classic Outlook, you're running Outlook in a browser, you're running Outlook in a Mac, harmon.ie is available in New harmon.ie is available and works in those environments.
The one that's not supported today is Outlook Mobile, which is under consideration, and we will talk about how to drive and influence our roadmap in a little bit, but that's really the advantages of it. Simplified UI, simplified deployment and updates and it runs in every endpoint.
So, let's get out of slides for a second and just go take a look at New harmon.ie. And there we go. So, this is New harmon.ie. Hopefully you can all see my screen. I'm going to just close it real quick to give you the full experience. So, the first thing you're going to need to do is, and this would be provisioned to your clients through the Microsoft admin tools, but you need to add this. I have a couple extras here because I work closely with our development team, but first thing you want to do is open it up.
Second thing you want to do, and this is something I always forget, is you want to pin it open and this will make sure that it stays open. You can't do that by default. I'm just going to sign in here very quickly. It'll connect and it's using the authentication, the Microsoft 365 authentication that I already had, So, I was already logged in, So, it's just going to log me in and connect me to my sites. And I cheated a little bit today. I already connected a few sites. So, if you go to, you'll see that you have access to your OneDrive, your SharePoint, Teams. I can expand this. And where I cheated was I've already added a few sites. We make it very easy for end users and business users to kind of curate this the way you want. harmon.ie is not going to go out and dynamically discover all 400 Teams or the thousand site collections you have access to because that would just overwhelm the sidebar.
The purpose is to bring the sites, the SharePoint sites and Teams that you're using into the sidebar. So, you do that simply by going to the three dots here and click on manage and this'll bring up the sites that you have access to. You can always just start typing here and it'll narrow it down. And if I wanted to add this exploration site, it's as simple as that. Now that exploration site is available to me if I want to remove it, maybe it's a short-term project, I worked on it for a month, now I want to remove it. Simple as that. You can do the same with your SharePoint sites. So, you have an interface into your SharePoint sites and you have the managed sites here. And the same thing as I can go out here, pick a site once it enumerates and now it's added to my sites.
So, let's go look at once we have those added, you also up top here have different feeds of shared with me. A recent feed that becomes very helpful. So, if you're working on a Word document, you want to add it to an email, send somebody a link. It's a quick simple go here, share, create an email with a link, add it, and then you have favorites. And favorites, provide a couple functionalities and I'll show them a little bit more depth. But really you have favorites to all the common locations. In fact, a lot of our clients will set up the SharePoint sites and Teams and then work exclusively through favorites. So, this could be the 10 legal matters you're working on, the 10 clients you're engaged with. You set those up and you just simply use favorites to get access to them. So, let's go back to our Teams interface.
I'm going to double click here on the accounts team. This will show you the underlying channels and if I double click again into the channel, this is going to show the content there. So, on the second, and I want to show you something here is that one took a little bit longer to load. We do do some optimization. So, next time you go in, it's very quick. So, the first time you might say a little lag in getting the content loaded or once you're there, if I want to upload an email, and this is something I know this is going to get convoluted and complex, but in New Outlook, Microsoft, a framework is not supporting drag and drop from your inbox to an add-in yet. We are working closely with Microsoft on this. They keep asking us questions So, we know they're actively working to enhance this, So, we expect it anytime.
Now, in the meantime, you do the upload by going here and clicking on that action. So, in this case I want to upload this email. You can see I'm saving the email here and now in this case I use my demo environment a lot, So, I'm going to add it as a new version to that. So, now I have that email uploaded if I want, I can click on the dots here, I can rename, I can delete it, I can edit the details on it and edit details. Let's just pop that open real quick. This is a way that if you have additional metadata, harmon.ie's going to, and I'll talk about this in a second. In that email upload, we automatically captured email header information to from subject date received. But if you have additional information, account name, client policy number, you can add those through the edit details window. You also now have an action to open this in the browser. So, one of the key advantages the harmon.ie is providing what we call a real email experience, and that is open the email So, that you see the attachments, you can forward reply, we're working to get this streamlined. In the meantime, you have to click that this is a trusted site and then it will open for you.
It takes a second sometimes, but now it's open and it's a real email. I can reply forward and work on this email. As you can see, okay, this is much better. I can see if I had opened one with an attachment, you would actually see the attachments in here much better than if I simply double click on this. It's going to open in the browser, which has a very limited kind of view to it. So, we're all familiar with seeing this from SharePoint and the Teams interface when you open an email. So, the real email experience is something we're working on. It will most likely become the default action here soon, but we want to work out some kinks and make sure that it's working well in our client environments. If you upload an email, let's pick with an attachment and I'm going to do it a slightly different way.
So, you see that you can go out here and you'll have quick actions. So, this one has an attachment. I'm going to just click here and you'll notice it starts to upload. You. Now get the option to select whether you want to upload just the email or the email or the attachments along with that. And then you'll be able to edit details on both. And in this case, it's technically a bulk upload because you're creating an email file and the attachment and you can just click both to replace both and it'll upload both there. Okay, So, as I mentioned, let me let this finish here. As I mentioned, when we upload emails, we do extract email header information and automatically tag those for you. The way that's visible to an end user is you go up here to views and you can switch to an email view, and now you can see it's filtered on not only folders, but you can filter on email view. You can see which ones have attachments, the name or subject of it, if you use the slider here from to date received all the important email header information So, you can organize emails and get a view that looks very much like an Outlook, like a mini inbox to it.
I'm going to go over and use favorites now. And let's take a look at, we could do the same in SharePoint. I don't want to be too redundant in the demo today, but let's take a look at favorites. Favorites, as I mentioned, give you two things. One is quick navigation to a location. So, all those locations you're using all the time, it's great to favorite those. But you can also have the quick actions here. So, again, let's just do this email. If I want to upload it to the bid channel, I just simply click on that and it's as simple as that. It's uploaded to that environment or to that location.
Okay, So, as we mentioned in the intro that the real way to break down the barriers for end users is make it easy to capture, classify, tag and reuse. So, we kind of covered the capturing classify. Let's take a look at a little bit of the reuse. So, I'm going to go into this same library again, or in this case it's a channel. So, search is built right up here. So, I can go up here and simply type in here. I'm going to type the word accident and this is going to do a search across this library folder. In this case it's a channel and if I want it becomes very simple. I want to create, I found it, I want to share this. Maybe I want to share it out to Teams. So, I just click on share to Teams. Maybe a colleague asked me a question about it, it becomes very easy to go out here and say, yes, I want to share it to that team, put a little message there, click share, and now I've something to Teams with that data.
It's a simple way to take an email conversation, a question you got from a client customer, a coworker that needs collaboration. So, you can move it over to Teams and it becomes very easy to collaborate on. And if we take a quick look, Teams will load for me quickly here, you'll see that this is the message kind of format that you would say that I shared that and now that's available to them. They have a link to it. You can start a whole conversation. So, it's a great way to move a conversation. You can also share that directly and just say, Hey, I want to create an email and it's going to open an email message with a link to that. You can also do an attachment if you're in composed mode. So, if you're composing an email, you can then attach it as a attachment instead of a link.
So, that's one way to search. The other side of search here is we go into the sidebar and use it more of a non-con contextual manner. And that is I want to go up here at the top. I want to do a search and I want to say, and I did that quick, let me do that again for you. I clicked on the filters here. You can filter on any app you want. So, maybe you know it's out on Teams. I'm going to search for an email. So, I know an email and I want to type the word riverside here and that's going to go out and do a search and find content again and again, I can show all the results. I have quick actions here where I can jump to the location, I can favorite it, I can share it again. So, really that's the idea is to make that as we were talking, you got to make search and the ability to find content extremely easy.
So, in addition to the search, there are additional filters down here added to the search. And I'm going to do one special here. I just created a new team and channel here. So, let's just do a search and I called it roadmap. So, I'm going to do a search for a roadmap and I'm going to go to this channel, and this just gives you an idea of some of the automation that harmon.ie is bringing along with you. And this is available in both the classic harmon.ie and New harmon.ie. So, obviously this is a new channel channels and Teams get stood up toward Noun. This is the beauty of Teams today. It reduces the admin burden of creating site collections and all that for our business users. So, if you're on the IT side, Teams really reduced kind of that friction with it of having to always stand up the site collections. Well the other part of that is you have to email enable them. So, you have to make sure that the content type and the columns and the views are there available. So, one of the things that harmon.ie did in the last couple of releases is the first person that uploads an email to that location has the option to create a view. And not only does it create the underlying view, but it creates the content site collection, content type and the columns to properly tag emails and automate the tagging of the emails.
So, the email view is created in a second. We should see the emails uploaded, we can go to the view here and switch to the email view and that worked nicely note, and the demo Gods didn't get me today, So, you can see that it's properly tagged. So, then any additional email added to this will be properly tagged. So, this helps with consistency across, we have a number of clients adopting this because they just business units were standing up, libraries standing up folders, standing up new Teams and channels and forgetting that they had to add a content type to that to properly add emails or tag emails. So, that's it. Quick demo if you want a deeper dive, happy to go through this. We can set up time with our team and go through it. Let me close the window real quick, jump back into a couple more slides and then we will open it up to a q and a. So, let me just from current slides, we can go there. So, next thing we're going to do is a second poll question. So, Maya, if you want to run that poll.
Maya: Yeah, we want to ask you, when does your organization plan to switch to new Outlook or Outlook for Windows as it's now called already switched or in the process of switching everyone, it's up to individual users to decide when to switch. We're still planning but won't switch this year or we currently don't have any plans to switch to New harmon.ie. We'll wait a minute or two until you finish voting and then we'll share the results.
Thank you for the cooperation. I see that almost everyone answered. Okay, So, let's share. So, I see that 20% already switched or in the process of switching the entire organization, 24% saying that it's up to individual users to decide. 45% are saying that we're still planning, but one switch this year and 11%, we have no plans to switch. So, more than 50% didn't start switching yet to New harmon.ie at a new Outlook.
Ran back to you.
Ron: Yeah. Excellent. So, let me go and talk about where we're at and where we're headed. So, I think with that poll data that shows Microsoft has kind of given classic Outlook or Outlook for Windows Classic, however it's called today kind of a runway until 2029. So, we have plenty of time to work on switching and I think the good news is harmon.ie is ready. We've invested over a couple of years now, multiple man years on top of that a development and have an app on the market that we released in December. So, New harmon.ie was released in December. We've done one update since then, but our feeling is we're confident that the email management, IAM features, email document management features are there today that meet majority of our client's requirements. We have two releases planned for this year. The second half one is schedule for May, and really this is a foundation for seamless switching between classic Outlook and New harmon.ie.
And what that means is when you fire up New harmon.ie, install it and roll it out to your clients, all their sites favorites will automatically appear in New harmon.ie. So, we'll be sharing that repository between the two So, that you can see that we're also working based off feedback from some of the early adopters of New harmon.ie, some information. So, completing some of the information management features, things like doc sets, custom content types will be added in this release. And then one thing I talked a little bit about some of the limitations in new Outlook. So, drag and drop from an inbox to New harmon.ie works very well inside a classic Outlook. It works very well on Mac, Outlook on Mac, So, the dragon drops there. One of the things that, as I mentioned in New Outlook that Dragon drops not supported. So, one of the things that we're looking to do, and let's see, I took a screenshot of this, see if I can get it to show you.
I don't know how well this will show, but this is harmon.ie in a New harmon.ie inside of New Outlook popped out to a browser window. So, basically, we're going to give you the ability to expand New harmon.ie and pop it out of Outlook into a browser-based window. And this gives two benefits. One is it'll give you more real estate. So, one of the other limitations in new Outlook is you can't expand the add-ins. So, this will give you the ability to expand it. So, if you have email views, you have custom views with lots of columns showing, it'll give you more ability to sort filter and all that. The other thing is as a browser window, you can drag and drop to it. It becomes a drop target that you can now drop from your inbox. You can drop emails to it and you can drop from File Explorer into that.
A couple great enhancements or I wouldn't call 'em workarounds because I think they add a lot of value besides just working around some limitations. And then when Microsoft releases the new framework or updates to it that have drag and drop, we'll continue and support that in new Outlook. Beyond that, we have a release plan for August. One of the key features going into the August release, and we're doing prototypes of this right now to make sure we can deliver all of it, is save on Send, save on Send is a key workflow for many of our clients that use harmon.ie for managing legal matters, managing client engagements. A lot of these workflows and all are highly regulated or these organizations are regulated or there's compliance that once you start or you give tax advice to a client, you have to almost audit trail that conversation.
So, save on Send is a quick efficient way to be able to save when you're sending an email or save and file that emails in those conversations. On that, we'll continue to expand the view and support for Views Adding Sort Ability Group by views. And this is one of the things, I'll just point this out, I'll point this out a little bit more in the next slide too, but don't wait the switch. I think we're ready Now, the May release is a great one for customers to target, but I would start now and if there's any kind of feature missing or things like that, this is the time to help us drive this roadmap and drive New harmon.ie to completion. With that. Let's not forget about classic Outlook and classic harmon.ie. harmon.ie Classic is we're continuing to invest in this. As I mentioned, the runway is 2029 per Microsoft.
We have no intentions of changing that roadmap or impacting that. That'll be up to you guys to our customer base and clients. We rolled out ten six in January 10, six really gave us the foundation for a couple of things. One is integration with new Outlook or New harmon.ie. Sorry about that. I knew I was going to do that a bunch of times today, but this is the foundation if you want the seamless switching between the two apps for your end users and your business users, you need to get to 10.6. And the reason is the location we persist sites and favorites has moved from some esoteric place in SharePoint to a OneDrive location. So, that may say accessible to both New harmon.ie and classic harmon.ie. In addition to that, we did a lot of work over the last year with improving and aligning authentication with Microsoft 365 authentication.
So, this was done on best practices and advice from Microsoft. In other words, we went from cookie base to token base to modernize that and we also started or we switched over and updated and modernized the app to use all Office 365 rest APIs. So, basically this has became a very foundational release for us. So, it gets you to all the modern authentication REST APIs Beyond that ten seven is a redesign of a core feature of harmon.ie, which is the save message dialogue and save message dialogue for those that have used, and sorry for those that haven't used harmon.ie before in the audience. This is more for our customers. If you right click on an email, you get a context menu that allows you to kick off a saved message dialogue. So, these are all the ways to do uploads of emails and attachments without drag and drop. So, you can do it from a ribbon control, you can get to your recent and do a quick single click save of emails. All that is driven from including the save on send dialogue that I talked about that we're adding to New harmon.ie. All those are driven through a baseline of a saved message dialogue and revamping. That is something we probably should have done a while ago. It's coming and it's a big investment and we look forward to rolling that out and improving some of the single save messages and make it even more efficient.
Again, this is a little more for the customers in the audience today, apologize, but I think there's valuable information on year four. Anybody that's new looking at harmon.ie. So, if you're looking to switch, obviously the main driver is, as the poll said, 20% of you already have switched over to new Outlook. You have no choice but to run New harmon.ie. So, that's one. If you have Mac users, you have users that want to run harmon.ie on Outlook for Mac, the web app and the modern app is the only option there. If you have Outlook, people using Outlook in a browser, this is a great solution if you're on the IT side of things and you'll want to simplify the administration of harmon.ie. No more asking your build team to put a new package together and schedule a job three months out to roll out harmon.ie.
It's a matter of updating the web app and authorizing that and to keep in mind they can coexist. So, New harmon.ie and classic harmon.ie can coexist, meaning a single user could be running both. They got classic Outlook for some workflows they're using and they're using Outlook online or using Outlook on Mac on another device. You've got groups of users that want to advance to new Outlook quicker than the rest of the organization. They can coexist. So, you can have both in your organization and from a licensing standpoint, it's one user. So, if you're entitled to both applications. And the other thing is I've recommended to many of our clients book a consultation meeting with us. We'll walk through and go through the gap analysis with you, look at what features are there, workflow changes, things that you'd have to kind of prep your harmon.ie user community for. And with that, as I'm starting to lose my voice anyway, let's switch it over to a Q&A and answer some of the questions.
Maya: Thank you, Ron. I just want to mention that I shared link in the chat now to book a consultation meeting with us. So, feel free to use it. We had a lot of questions. So, I will say in advance that we will not have time to answer all of them. We will start and we promised to answer each question that is not going to be answered now. We'll answer it via email. So
Maya, before you start with the questions, there's one question I think is important too that I kind of skipped the demo that I just looked at and saw. And let me just show this real quick. I think this is important for users. So, one of the things that we added in the most recent release of New harmon.ie is the concept of provisioning. And you can set up, and I won't go on all the technical details, but there's a configuration file and a known low place on SharePoint that you basically all users need read access admins need, right? Access. So, with that admin control, you can then start to, and this is important because we know clients that don't want to have their end user save emails to OneDrive. They don't want to have 'em save them out the Teams. So, again, I can simply from an admin standpoint, if I have admin rights, apply those settings and now when I go back to all the users go to harmon.ie, you'll notice that my Teams interface and my OneDrive interface are gone.
So, I think these are some of the enterprise controls that a lot of the organizations that use harmon.ie today are looking for. Along with that, the admin controls, and they're not visible here, but you can also set up custom email header mapping. So, this is an important switching consideration that if you've invested in getting classic harmon.ie set up with email header mapping and content types and column names, you can adjust New harmon.ie to meet and use those same fields. In fact, I was on a call yesterday with a client considering harmon.ie and they were using an email plugin, not harmon.ie surprisingly, but, and the good news is they weren't too satisfied with it, but they did have the email header mapping set up and one of the benefits is they're going to be able to tailor New harmon.ie to use those content types and columns. So, sorry about that, Maya, I'll let you go back to the questions now.
Q: Can you upload multiple emails at the same time?
A: The answer is yes. You can select multiple emails and do an upload.
Q: Is there an ETA on when the drag and drop upload email functionality will be added to New harmon.ie?
A: As I mentioned earlier, we are going to do the expandable window for lack of a better way to buy some more time. I was talking to one of our developers this morning and they are actively in conversations with Microsoft, giving them So, that Microsoft understands how ISVs work with the drag and drop functionality, what we need, how important it is to our clients. So, we know they're actively working on it, but we don't have an ETA or a confirmation from them yet on a timeline.
Q: Hi, amazing functionality, but we don't want that the users are able to save the emails in the OneDrive or Teams only in our SharePoint sites. Can we configure that?
A: Yes. And that's what I just showed. So, that's the admin controls and enterprise admin controls to be able to disable OneDrive and Teams interfaces.
Q: If a user uses harmon.ie Classic and New harmon.ie on different devices, does it still consider only one harmon.ie license is consumed?
A: Yes, it is considered one harmon.ie license consumed. Yes. We license. Just to go into that, just to give you a little more detail, we license per user, not per device or app. So, it counts as one user.
Q: Will the classic harmon.ie SharePoint version still be supported until 2029?
A: Great question. That's up to our customer base a bit. We don't have any end date in planned, So, there's no plans in our roadmap to end it. So, it'll be up to our customer base and how they drive and how quickly, as the poll question said, there's I think 45 or more, 56% that are still deciding what to do and when to move. So, it's going to be dictated a lot by those plans.
Q: Is customization for branding possible too?
A: Not currently in New harmon.ie. So, that's something we would've to talk to you about and see as you saw in the New harmon.ie window. Let's see if I can bring that up real quick. Unlike the classic harmon.ie, there's not a lot of branding except up top here, So, it may be possible, but we'd have to work with you on that.
Q: For the share email action shown, does that create a sharing link for that email file in SharePoint or create unique permissions of that email file?
A: It creates a sharing link as defined by the library and the settings. So, it's the same sharing experience you would get if you were to share from inside of the SharePoint web ui.
Maya: Thank you Ron. It was a great presentation and I want to thank all of you for joining us today. We invite you to try New harmon.ie for yourself or book a demo with us. As we mentioned, I am sharing now link to downloading New harmon.ie from the App source or you can just search for New harmon.ie or harmon.ie and you'll find the download.
Okay, So, it's now shared
Everything we mentioned and all the links can also be found on our website, which is harmon.ie. Sorry Ron.
Nope. I was just going to say thank you Maya, for organizing this. Okay. And thank you everybody meeting.
Maya: Yeah, and we look forward to meeting you again at our next webinar. Bye-bye.
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