Press release Announces Top 25 SharePoint Influencers of 2019

Company publishes list of most influential community leaders in the SharePoint ecosystem with more women represented than ever before


Boston, MA

21 May 2019, the world’s first user experience platform driving Office 365 and SharePoint adoption in the enterprise, today announced its annual ‘Top 25 SharePoint Influencers’ list. identified the most influential SharePoint professionals around the world by analyzing their influence using a range of metrics and a public community vote. produces its annual list to celebrate and draw attention to the expertise and insights of SharePoint community leaders. These global influencers, none of whom work for Microsoft, provide independent guidance to SharePoint end users, organizations, and developers and provide feedback to Microsoft, helping further improve its technology to meet the community’s needs.

SharePoint influencers may be consultants, product evangelists, systems architects or owners of companies. What they all have in common is a desire to share news, tips, insights and guidance about SharePoint (and increasingly, Office 365), across a variety of mediums including, blogs, webinars and events, disseminating new ideas and helping others follow best practices. scored influencers on three principal counts:

  • Social influence score: measured Twitter activity and engagement
  • Community influence score: assessed how active community members are on social media and whether they have a personal or company blog
  • Community vote: Over 1,000 members of the SharePoint community took part, with members choosing their top 3 influencers

There were 5 women represented in this year’s influencers list, which is more than in previous years and follows a trend within the IT industry of women increasingly taking on leadership roles.

The US represented 28% of the Top 25, followed by Germany representing 20% and Canada representing 12%. 80% of the Top 25 had a personal blog compared to 48% of the average SharePoint influencer.

We believe it’s important to recognize people within the SharePoint community and highlight their work and all of the value they provide for their peers in the industry", said Yacov Cohen, CEO of “As we do every year, we want to independently serve the ecosystem – by helping others connect and shine a light on the incredible work these global SharePoint influencers do.

The Top 25 SharePoint Influencer list for 2019 is:

  1. Matthias Einig - @mattein
  2. Waldek Mastykarz - @waldekm
  3. Philip Worrell - @Worrelpa
  4. Patrick Guimonet - @patricg
  5. Joanne Klein - @JoanneCKlein
  6. Raphael Köllner - @Ra_Koellner
  7. Hans Brender - @HansBrender
  8. Ragnar Heil - @ragnarh
  9. Veronique Palmer - @VeroniquePalmer
  10. Matt Wade - @thatmattwade ‏
  11. Vlad Catrinescu - @vladcatrinescu
  12. Rick Van Rousselt - @RickVanRousselt
  13. Sébastien Levert - @sebastienlevert
  14. Stefan Bauer - @StfBauer
  15. Erica Toelle - @ericatoelle
  16. Marc Anderson - @sympmarc
  17. Mark Rackley - @mrackley
  18. Dux Raymond Sy - @meetdux
  19. Elio Struyf - @eliostruyf
  20. Francesco Sodano - @aresmarte1
  21. Daniel Glenn - @DanielGlenn
  22. Paul Keijzers - @KBWorks
  23. Heather Newman - @heddanewman
  24. Adis Jugo - @adisjugo
  25. Martina Grom - @magrom

About has developed the world’s first topic driven intelligent email management system designed specifically for the enterprise workplace. Through the use of Topic Computing,’s solution breaks down data siloes from Office 365 apps by grouping information according to topics, thereby surfacing what’s most important to knowledge workers. provides a cohesive, people-first user experience supported by cognitive science and powered by machine learning to enhance employee productivity. The company is a Microsoft Partner of the Year Finalist and Office 365 Best App Award recipient.

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