harmon.ie App for Office – Settings

To connect or disconnect from Microsoft 365:

  1. Open the harmon.ie add-in.
  2. Click the Settings icon (Settings icon).
  3. Click Connect to Microsoft 365 / Disconnect.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. Click Back (Back icon) to exit settings.

To register a license:

Note: You must be connected to Microsoft 365 to register a license.

  1. Click the Settings icon (Settings icon) in the harmon.ie app.
  2. In Windows / mobile: click Upload License, browse and select the license file (.lic) you received from harmon.ie and click Open.
  3. In Mac: Drag the license file to the Drop License Here box.
  4. Click Documents to exit settings.

To view harmon.ie version information:

  1. Click the Settings icon (Settings icon) in the harmon.ie app.
  2. Read the version and edition information in the About section.