Announcing the Top 25 SharePoint Influencers: Europe 2018

TL;DR We write every word in our blog posts, but asked AI to summarize it

As such, our annual Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe list for 2018 recognizes and celebrates SharePoint experts who are helping organizations make the leap to the cloud.

With SharePoint Server 2019 recently released and the continued development of SharePoint Online in Office 365, SharePoint is always changing. While it may look and function differently for different organizations, it remains the backbone for business documents across the world—whether files reside in SharePoint Server, SharePoint Online, or in OneDrive, or Microsoft Teams in Office 365.

Along with SharePoint, what it means to be a SharePoint Influencer is also changing. In 2018, being a SharePoint Influencer goes beyond solely the SharePoint platform. SharePoint leaders are also Office 365 leaders, as they help businesses move to the Office 365 cloud. As such, our annual Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe list for 2018 recognizes and celebrates SharePoint experts who are helping organizations make the leap to the cloud.

The Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe for 2018

  1. Waldek Mastykarz
    Head of Product – Rencore
  2. Elio Struyf
    Senior Developer and Architect – Valo
  3. Phil Worrell
    ICT Engineer and Business Analyst – Swisscom
  4. Hans Brender
    Cloud Productivity Evangelist – Bright Skies GmbH
  5. Matthias Einig
    CEO and Founder – Rencore
  6. Ragnar Heil
    Channel Manager – Quest Software
  7. Stefan Bauer
    Information Architect, Consultant, Web Designer and Developer
  8. Maarten Eekels
    CTO and Managing Partner – Portiva
  9. Paul Keijzers
    Office 365 Modern Workplace Consultant and Speaker – Wortell
  10. Ahmad Najjar
    Senior Consultant, Office Server and Services, SharePoint, MS Flow – Infoworker
  11. Patrick Guimonet
    Founder and Owner – Abalon
  12. Fabio Franzini
    Senior SharePoint Consultant & Trainer
  13. Martina Grom
    Management and Co-Founder –
  14. Rick Van Rousselt
    CTO and Office 365/Cloud & Bot Solution Architect – Advantive
  15. Luis Valencia
    SharePoint Solutions Architect – PwC Belgium
  16. Penelope Coventry
    Author, Independent Consultant, Trainer – Combined Knowledge
    United Kingdom
  17. Adis Jugo
    Director of Product Technology – skybow
  18. Gissur Simonarson
    Senior Solutions Architect – Brightwire
    United Kingdom
  19. Jasper Oosterveld
    Modern Workplace Consultant, InSpark
  20. Michael Greth
    Podcaster, Speaker and Writer
  21. Paul Hunt
    Business Productivity Practice Lead – Trustmarque
    United Kingdom
  22. Knut Relbe-Moe
    Product Evangelist and Partner Manager – Valo
  23. Serge Luca
    Office 365 Architect, Managing Partner – AG Insurance, ShareQL
  24. Toni Pohl
    Founder, CTO and Cloud Consultant – atwork
  25. Maarten Visser
    Creative Director – Connected Services

On top of the clouds

There are many SharePoint experts in the Microsoft Partner Network, but it takes much more than expertise to be a top Influencer. The Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe list ranks SharePoint experts based on a quantitative ‘influence’ score that combined engagement and follower base on social sites, blog reach and frequency, depth of topic coverage, citations from other influential bloggers, and feedback from the SharePoint user community.

European SharePoint and Office 365 experts are gathering between November 26 and 29 at the European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference (ESPC) in Copenhagen. The Top 25 SharePoint Influencers in Europe will be joining us on November 27 on the stand (#2) to celebrate. Be sure to join us if you’re at the event.

David Lavenda, Chief Product Officer, who will be speaking at ESPC, emphasized the impact Influencers have on helping businesses move to Office 365 in the cloud:

“There is so much excitement around Microsoft’s product directions, particularly with the new Microsoft Graph enhancing the Office 365 user experience. In 2019 and beyond, these Influencers will continue to help the community move to SharePoint Online and related Office 365 apps, and will implement its frequent and continuous feature changes with ease and confidence.”

A huge congratulations to the Top 25, and all those that continue to help businesses capitalize on SharePoint, both on-premises and in the cloud.

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