harmon.ie Posts Strong First Half of 2020

TL;DR We write every word in our blog posts, but asked AI to summarize it

During Covid-19, harmon.ie enhanced work from home in wake of Microsoft Teams’ rapid adoption of 75 million daily Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, & Outlook users

What a difference 6 months make… Who could have predicted back in January the global lockdown, the sheltering in place mandate, and the immense impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

During the last six months, the global business community has learned to work from home, compressing the slow marathon to the digital workplace into a brisk sprint for the finish line. In the words of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, “We’ve seen two years’ worth of digital transformation in two months.

During the last six months, we have seen the rapid adoption of Microsoft Teams, going from just north of 10 million users at the top of the year to 75 million daily active users by April. And as workers hunkered down at home, tools like Microsoft Teams became lifelines to the remote workplace. The ability to check in with colleagues, customers, suppliers, and partners via virtual meetings and chat became the fuel that powered the remote working engine.

While at home, workers have had to become self-sufficient with technology, as they could no longer turn to colleagues in the next office or cubicle, or on-site IT staff for advice.

harmon.ie to the Rescue

During this crisis, harmon.ie has been a godsend for organizations who rely upon Microsoft Teams, SharePoint, and Outlook to run their businesses. For the remote workers who need to be self-sufficient, harmon.ie makes it easy to capture, classify, and share emails and documents with colleagues. Now, with the added reliance of Microsoft Teams, harmon.ie has become more important than ever, because harmon.ie empowers organizations to run smoothly in the new, remote business environment.

Some key harmon.ie milestones achieved during the last six months, include the following:

  • New customers now benefit from harmon.ie’s ability to connect remote business workers. New marquee customers added in 2020 include Arthur J Gallagher Services, Manulife, EBN BV, as well as Business Development Bank of Canada, EPA Victoria, and a host of other government agencies from a variety of nations.
  • Acceptance to the Microsoft Content Services Partner Program, deepening harmon.ie’s relationship with Microsoft.
  • Announcement of new customer case studies including the story of how harmon.ie helps Drass Technologies in their mission to supply live-saving COVID-19 equipment to hospitals worldwide.

Looking Forward

As we look ahead to the second half of 2020, harmon.ie will continue to make ”the right thing the easy thing” for business users of Microsoft technologies, so they can focus on business instead of manipulating the underlying tools.

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