A Modern IM Story: Government Agencies Undergo Digital Transformation

TL;DR We write every word in our blog posts, but asked AI to summarize it

Government Information Management challenges? Orangutech and harmon.ie deliver seamless digital transformation for government agencies, boosting efficiency, collaboration, and user experience.

For government agencies, navigating through vast bureaucracies, mountains of data, and stringent compliance requirements is no easy feat. At any given time, different departments may be at different stages of the digital transformation process. Internal resistance puts even more barriers in place. When legacy systems reach the end-of-life stage, the pressure is really on to modernize and migrate to better Information Management solutions.

Orangutech knows all about it. The Ottawa-based company has been working with dozens of Canadian Federal Government agencies over the past 20 years to tackle IM, head-on. Orangutech’s full service approach helps government organizations migrate to modern solutions such as SharePoint and Microsoft 365, with the help of integrated tools and partners.

harmon.ie is one of those partners.

Frictionless transition

Government agencies employ large numbers of staff. Transitioning these teams to a new IM system is inherently disruptive.

Workflows must be created or adapted for new IM software and tools, and this demands a lot of time and resources. However, employees are already accustomed to existing workflows, and they often struggle to acclimate. Inevitably, the digital transformation process gets bogged down.

The solution is IM that integrates seamlessly with existing workflows, reducing friction to a minimum, ensuring that adoption and compliance is as smooth as possible.

Orangutech to the rescue

Orangutech offers end-to-end migrations to Microsoft 365, with a difference. At Orangutech, there is a strong focus on the end-user experience, facilitating faster and easier workflows that naturally incentivize adoption. It’s not just about the software; it’s about transforming the IM culture of the government agency with the right bundle of tools and services. This includes SharePoint, Teams, the standard Microsoft 365 applications, and several other applications to optimize and smooth the IM process – one of which is harmon.ie.

harmon.ie helps close the deals

As Eric Hein, Senior Director of Public Sector at Orangutech, points out, selling IM solutions to government agencies comes with a unique set of challenges. Did you know that it can take 12 to 18 months to close a large-scale enterprise deal and a further three to five years for implementation and deployment?

Orangutech has streamlined the process by becoming the exclusive vendor for harmon.ie. Additionally, educating prospects about the crucial role of email in Information Management, and harmon.ie’s comprehensive value proposition, has been key to overcoming objections and supporting successful modernization of IM for government clients.

User experience takes the front seat

Even the most sophisticated tools don’t have much value if the users won’t engage with it effectively. That’s why Orangutech integrates harmon.ie in the early stages of the sales process, compelling government clients to consider end-user engagement right from the start.

There is no better testament than previous successes of Orangutech and harmon.ie. Hearing about the IM evolution of numerous federal clients helps to convey a powerful Information Management story to government agencies who are interested in achieving similar success.

On the way to AI

AI is only as good as the data it’s got to work with. Orangutech and harmon.ie are laying the groundwork for an AI-driven future in MS 365 by supporting solid IM practices based on data integrity. When the time is right for AI integration, Orangutech will have paved the way for government agencies to excel.

harmon.ie? Absolutely!

Orangutech empowers government agencies to embrace a modern IM strategy, and drive efficiency in the face of huge challenges. harmon.ie is an integral part of the story. As Hein says, “We’ve had the most success by making harmon.ie non-negotiable in our engagements.”

There’s nothing better than a story with a great ending. As the past few years have shown, the partnership between Orangutech and harmon.ie offers the ultimate solution for digital transformation in the complex matrix of government organizations.

Discover the full IM success story featuring Orangutech, harmon.ie, and government agencies.

Learn more about harmon.ie’s Partners program.

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