harmon.ie Classic vs. harmon.ie for OWA
Please view the following comparison table to understand the differenes between harmon.ie add-in for Outlook Desktop and harmon.ie Web add-in for Outlook Web App.
Feature | harmon.ie Classic | harmon.ie Web App (OWA) |
Works in |
Microsoft Office Outlook, on Windows |
Outlook on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and Web Browser. |
Cost |
View pricing. |
Limited version is free. Full version is included with the harmon.ie 365 Suite. |
Upload documents and emails to Microsoft 365 |
Upload email messages |
(not in the free version) |
Upload email attachments |
Save email on send |
Automatically upload email messages to M365 using Outlook rules |
Replace attachments with links |
Email header mapping |
(not in the free version) |
Upload customization via SDK |
Find content and navigate M365 |
Search |
(limited) |
SharePoint and harmon.ie views |
Email view |
Filter by tags |
Filter by columns |
Sort by column |
Direct navigation to a SharePoint link |
Select visible columns |
Navigation history |
Share documents and emails |
Add M365 documents as links and attachments to email messages |
Shared with me |
Share document |
Edit and manage M365 documents |
Show preview |
Edit documents |
Edit document properties |
Move or copy documents |
Download or upload documents from computer |
Create new documents |
Rename documents |
Add new version |
Check in, check out, version history |
Apply retention labels |
Publish major version |
View and edit list items |
Offline support |