Viewing and editing document rating

This feature applies to SharePoint 2010 or later.

To view document rating:

To view the rating of a SharePoint document, add Rating to the list of visible columns.

  • The average rating for the document is indicated by the number of blue stars.
  • Hover over the stars to view your own rating of the document.
  • Grayed stars indicate that the document has not yet been rated.

Note: To be able to view the rating of documents, rating must be enabled for the SharePoint library.

To sort documents by rating:

To sort documents by rating:

  1. Add Rating to the list of visible columns.
  2. Click the Rating column to sort your documents by rating.

To edit document rating:

All documents on SharePoint 2010 server can be rated if the feature is activated on the server and enabled in the library.

To edit the rating of a document:

  1. View the document rating as explained above.
  2. Click a star to rate the document or update your rating. The stars turn yellow to indicate you are viewing your own rating, and not the average rating.
  3. To view the average rating of a document you just rated, refresh the document list. Note, however, that SharePoint updates the average rating once an hour, by default.